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Micro Horten


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Product Information


Micro Horten A Horten type Flying wing

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For 2212 type and 3s1300
Power req :Suppo 2212 2200 kv -- 2700 kv
Controls: 2x 12 grservo
Including: cad drawing, Canopy
Photo instructions and additional pictures on CD
Wood build precision kit

Fast Building and Fast flying

      Design Features:

All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Unique Tab Lock Design
One Piece Design Easy transportation
Motor compartment Easy accesable
Battery Acces Through Canopy
Wing Area: 8,5 dm2
Wing Span; 750mm 
Flying Weight: Starts at 300 grams
Wing Loading: 35gr dm2
3 Channel ailerons & Elevator &Throttle(ailevons mixed)
      Kit Includes:
Photo and  InstructionsonFull cd download here
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy ,
Ply Building  Jig,CG Tool
No Control Horns , Steering Cables , 
      Required to Complete:
3 Channel Radio.
Light weight Receiver:
Light weight Servos: About 9 grams (2x)
Motor: Suppo 2212
Speed controller 30 amps
Spinner 30mm
Battery: 3S or 1300 lipo
The Micro Horten can be handlaunched, but a bungee is very easy
The Micro Horten might use a 8mmx7,5mtr bungee with 2-4kg of pulling power.
The Micro Horten is Easy Flying but very fast and small

The Ply building jig assures that the horten is true build

Place the wing sheeting , these are also cnccut

and then place the ribs etc etc  all cnc cut very easy

Finishing the frame with servos

And then making it all fit and  finish with 25gr glass

and then

ready to fly

Builder Limme with his fine flying super finished Micro Horten

More pictures on the included cd


Product Code: MICTY4YR4

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5


Sehr gut durchdachter Baukasten! Allerdings muss man sich schon anstrengen alle Komponenten in der Kabine unterzubringen. Hier fordert die wiederstandsarme Form ihren Tribut. Mit einem extrem günstigen Antrieb nach Empfehlung sind mit einen 1300mAh Akku annähernd senkrechtes Steigen und eine Flugzeit von 10 Minuten drin! Die Flugeigenschaften sind völlig unkritisch und der Flitschenstart ebenso.

Wolfgang Martin :: 12 May 2020, 22:52

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