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Product Information


Cells 3s1550 lipo
Power req :Typhoon 29/12/10 or Typhoon 15/10
Controls: 3x servo
Including: cad drawing, Canopy ,Cowl
instructions and superb cad drawing 
Wood build precision kit

No Hardware in the kit as steering cables fasteners etc 

Instructions for this kit are on the drawing

Check out this movie from Edwin Hoenderdaal here




The AT6"TEXAN" excellent flying with the speed 600 8,4 and 8 cells 1700 12x10 gearprop and the Master Airscrew gearbox.
Building sequence is the same as the H75"HAWK"
Flying is excellent this one just won't stall. And you don't need a bungee start.



This one is in Dutch colors painted with Humbrol all up weight is 1350grams including the 2 pilots (20grams each).



The 2 beautifull finished AT6s above are the artwork from Jan Melchior.
 AT6 is finished in plastic covering.
The AT6 is a complete kit it contains all wood, , vacuformed parts, 1 drawings inc templates for lettering and logo and all items to finish the airframe.



Philipp Gardemin AT6 fitted with Robart retracts and Viper 600/20 and Kruse Intro-Gear 300 pico 2,54:1 and 10 cells 1250 mAh for 6 minutes flight time
by Phillip Gardemin
From RBC Models is the AT-6 Texan (see "Hollein" in Dortmund 99 article, 8/99 E Zone issue).
This all balsa model has a wing span of 1260 mm and weighs 1.52 kg.
Phillip‘s power setup is a Hopf Viper 600/20/8.4v motor with a Kruse Intro-Gear 300 Pico 2.54:1 gearbox,
turning an APC 10 x 6 prop.
Controller: Jung YGE 30A/BEC. Battery: 10 x 1250SCR.
Robart retracts are self-installed.
Covering is 12 g silkspan with thinned white glue, then sanded and painted with Pactra spray paint. (EU)
Hallo Rob,
im Oktober habe ich die AT-6 endlich eingeflogen - ein Klasse-Teil! Ich habe
das Modell mit robart-Einziehfahrwerk ausgestattet und fliege mit Hopf-Viper
600/20, Kruse Intro-Gear 300 pico 2,54:1, 10 Zellen 1250 mAh runde sechs
Minuten lang mit mehr als ausreichender Power. Das Fahrwerk fährt mit drei
Sekunden programmierter Verzögerung ein und aus. Ein tolles Flugbild und
hervorragende Flugeigenschaften. Bericht kommt in AUFWIND 2/2000.
Viele Grüße



Product Code: AT6H3

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