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RBCkits Spares

Spare parts for the rbckits

you can order spares for any kit , but only as parts as they are in the kit in sheet

sheet complete only , no loose parts available , that only on special order

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A4 canopy

A4 canopy


A4 Canopy

AT6 canopy cowl set

AT6 canopy cowl set


AT6 Canopy and cowling set

BAE Hawk Canopy

BAE Hawk Canopy


BAE Hawk canopy in clear petg or polycarbonate includes nose cone and headrests

Birddog wing joiners

Birddog wing joiners


Birddog wing joiners : ply 1mm These replacement parts will break when you do a bad landing with the birddog,…

Birdog cowl

Birdog cowl


Birdog Cowling

Bristol Beaufighter plastic set

Bristol Beaufighter plastic set


Bristol Beaufighter plastic set in Polystyreen and Petg contains: Canopy (double) and  motor cowls …

Chica canopy

Chica canopy


Chica canopy Clear petg , made for the chica but flatbottom fits many models includes the instrument panel , no pilo…

Corby Starlet plastic set

Corby Starlet plastic set


Corby Starlet plastic set Canopy,pilot,wheel pants,Cheeks

Cougar Canopy

Cougar Canopy


Cougar Canopy in clear Petg 

Cutlass plastic set

Cutlass plastic set


Cutlass Canopy,Nose cone set

do335 canopy

do335 canopy


canopy for the Do335 in petg

Do335 plastic set

Do335 plastic set


plastic set for the Do335 including wingtips motor cowls canopy is seperate

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