Das Kraftei von RBCkits

Sample Movie here
Designed By R.Bulk
Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Unique Tab Lock Design
One Piece Design Easy transportation
Motor compartment Easy accesable through unique
cowl mounting
Battery Acces Through canopy opening
Wing Area: 31 dm2
Wing Span; 1250 mm
Flying Weight: Starts at 1600 grams
Wing Loading: 50-62gr dm2
4 Channel Controls
Kit Includes:
Photo Instructions Full cd download here
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Decal sheet on cd for printing out yourself
Vacuformed motor cowl, wing fairings,canopy
Pre designed for jettisonable main landing gear.
No hardware in this kit
You need
canopy closing 2x canopy and wheels dump
2x100 mild steel wheel dump unit lock hold
3x100 tube steering tail wheel(steering cable)
2x200 steel wire for tail wheel
ring 2,2 4x tailwheel retainer
and soldering to canopy closing wheel dump
hinges 8x
2,9x13 fastener 6x
steering cable 1,2mmx 500 (also for wheel dump)
steering cable outher 3,2mmx460
M3 nut 4 x motor mount
M3x 10 4x motor mount
M4 nut 4x motor cowl
M4 sunk head nylon 4x motor cowl
wheel shaft 4x200 steel
ring 4Ø 4x for main wheel retainer
rudder horn 4x
Required to Complete:
4 Channel Radio.Light weight Receiver:
Wheels 85/90mm and a 30mm tailwheel
Light weight Servos: About 13grams (2x ailevons 1x wheels and 1x rudder)
Motor: type 28-35mm 1200-1000kv 3-4 lipo
speed controller,
Some paint,glass or paper finish
Battery: 3S 2200/4000 to 4s2200/3700 lipo
Thick and Thin CA glue 4-5 bottles
Grass or concrete airfield
Skills to fly a Warbird
A lot of precise cnc cut parts in the ME163 kit
15 sheets of balsa and cnccut ply
5 Vacuumformings
all sheet wood and strip wood included, screws and fasteners

The building is easy , and fun, build up rudder and wings
Fuselage made in 2 halves strip planked
Rudder: build in 2 halves

Wing all balsa cnccut ribs and main formers egg crate construction

Fuselage frame up , on the drawing two halves build

Yes strip planking all included pre cut strips balsa

Fuselage finishing with light weight filler and glass

wings are simply joined with spruce joiner in fuselage and vacuum formed fairings are made fit

Steerable rudder and tailwheel possible

The wheel dump unit from servo and canopy closing all on the drawing and it works

The wheel mount

Clear canopy with cockpit formers to make it more scale like

Turn and fit motor cowl

Ready for action

Product Code: ME1FL4S458