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RBCkits Spares

Spare parts for the rbckits

you can order spares for any kit , but only as parts as they are in the kit in sheet

sheet complete only , no loose parts available , that only on special order

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Tiger Moth Motor cowl

Tiger Moth Motor cowl


Motor cowl for the Tiger Moth Material : polystyrene  

Tigercat plastic set

Tigercat plastic set


Tigercat vacuumformings Canopy clear petg turtleback. Motor cowlings 2x Motor housings 2 pair

Tipsy Nipper plastic set

Tipsy Nipper plastic set


Tipsy Nipper Canopy cowling set

Tomcat plastic set

Tomcat plastic set


Tomcat plastic set canopy, cowl, wheelpants,

Typhoon 15 spare shaft

Typhoon 15 spare shaft


Original Typhoon 15 spare shaft

Typhoon 6 or 15 ballbearing

Typhoon 6 or 15 ballbearing


Original Typhoon 6 or 15 class ballbearing set Set contains 2 ballbearings

Typhoon 6 spare shaft

Typhoon 6 spare shaft


Original Typhoon 6 spare shaft

Verhees delta plastic set

Verhees delta plastic set


Plastic set for the Verhees Delta 1 x motor cowl. 1 x tailwheel pod 1 x sheet 0,18 pvc for window Material: polyst…

Volksplane plastic set

Volksplane plastic set


Plastic vacuumformed set for the RBCkits Volksplane 5 pcs , Motor cowl,Dummy engine,front cowl, back cowl and win…

Wave cowl

Wave cowl


Cowl for the wave

Wiggo Motor Cowl

Wiggo Motor Cowl


Motor Cowl for the RCM and E Wiggo From vacuumformed Styrene

Yak 15 Canopy

Yak 15 Canopy


Clear Canopy for the Yak 15 Vacuumformed in petG or Polycarbonat

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