T-33 T-Bird
For 90mm Midi fan Evo edf and 8 cells 5000
A FMS unit or equ will not work in rbckits edf jets, schuberle or JP will do
The T33 is easy to fly but not for beginners
Full pictures and instructions download here note that the P80 instructions are used for the T33 as it is the same build
the fuselage of the T33 is longer but same construction, pictures are added for tanks and some minor things for ease
First flight movie here
Nice movie here

Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs cnccut parts in balsa and ply
Unique Tab Lock Design
Note that the T33 build is the same as the P80
But the T33 has a longer nose and different tanks
Wing Area: 36,5 dm2
Wing Span; 1545 mm
Lenght :1400mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 4600 grams
6 Channel , Ailerons,elevator,Throttle,Retracts, flaps,nosewheel steering,rudder
Kit Includes:
Photos and Instructions download
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy,nosecone, tiptanks ducting,Paper inlet and outlet ducting
All wood and sheeting to make the T33 3 sheets of balsa 7 sheets of lite ply
and spruce and balsa stringers
371 cnc cut ply and balsa parts There is no hardware in the T33 like hinges and horns etc etc
Required to Complete:
Any 8 Channel Radio
Light weight Receiver:
Servos: About 13 grams metal gear flaps needs stronger type 30gr
Motor: Hetrc EDF650/68/1600 8s
Wemotec Midi fan Evo 90mm
Battery:8S lipo 5000ma or 2 packs 4S
Thick and Thin CA glue, 3/3
Small parts screws etc are not in kit ; a list of parts is included
Some build pictures here:
airframe build up in 2 halves

Stick on wings

A lot of sheeting but it is pre cut strips included

Canopy framing build up room for pilots

Tanks from 2 halves joined .

More Pictures in the instructions
Product Code: T-3ZBJ7724