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Really nice finished P51 fromArno Regeling from the Netherlands.
See  his build here 

A really very Nice Suzie Q from James Crowther
End of last year I purchased one of your Suzie-Q, 
I decided to modify the kit to make it more scale ,
like using the boats designed by the late Sonny Levi boat designer.
See web site
I found the kit very well made & easy to put together & 
I am extremely pleased with the end result.
The changes I made / added are as follows.
Re-profiled cabin sides for a sleeker look.
Re-profiled cabin side windows & added front window.
Added Deck Rubbing strip
Added Spray Rails,Pulpit
Added deck fittings, drivers etc.
Deck covered in brown wrapping paper & 4 coats of satin varnish.

All the electrics are from HobbyKing, set up is as follows.
Motor :-  Turnigy G25 Brushless Outrunner 710kV ESC :- Turnigy Marine 120ABEC
Batteries :-  Turnigy 2200mAh 4S 30C (Connected in Parallel),Prop :-  2 Blade 40X Plastic Prop.
Boat has a very good turn of speed & no handling issues, turns if it on rails (most likely due to adding spray rails to the hull)
Run time is approximately 30 minutes; I will be adding video on my YouTube channel shortly.

Best regards



P80 From Steve "Fuzz"St Martin very nice with own design tiptanks,

Mig 15 UIT From Markus Dr.Rothe
I have finsihed the Mig 15 UTI and I am very impressed from this Bird in any case.
 I just did the finish. Maiden comes in early 2016, if completed (fan, motor, esc, rods, etc.) .
For you here some nice pictures.What a nice jet you have created !!! :-))

The original Flatcat from Juriaan Jellema, looks great..

Hi Rob, hope you are well! Both jets are complete and waiting for a good day to test fly.
Enclosed are a few pics. Regards: Steve (Fuzz) St.Martin

Lip 20 from  Thomas Bruckelt.. 
Thomas made the lip 20 from cross sections from us.
Min Chung Li
The bird came out really nice.  It got the nicest and most sexy curves of any wings I went through.  
I plan to maiden it soon and just curious how much pull force you recommend for bungee cord?
 In the 1st few launches,
I plan to shoot it againt wind and just let it glide.  So that I can adjust trims.
 After the trims are adjusted properly, I will conduct powered flights.  Thanks!
M. C.
Jack Higgins Canada club build of the Red Eagle
Hi Rob, yesterday we maidened five of the RedEagles in very windy conditions and they all flew beautifully.
We had two first time builders who were so new that we had to explain words like "Clevis" and "Horn".
They manged their builds very nicely and one was flying yesterday.
This is a tribute, in part, to your excellent kits and the choice of wood supplied.
We have three more almost complete and later we will have a glider challenge day.
That is my model in the centre with the "TKU TvM" on the wing and also in a fly by.
The colour scheme is based on the PT-17.
We had one problem that you may need to check.
One of the models was not completed, the elevator and rudder had not been hooked up to the servos.
They began to flap in the wind and almost instantly the hinges broke on both the rudder and elevator.
I did not use them but I will check how many did and have them checked out.
Rob thank you so much for all your help with this and for producing such a well engineered kit.
It was a pleasure to work on a kit where every thing fit perfectly.
From Stuart 

Well, after a fair few trials and problems, my Starlet now flies well. My worst problem was CofG –
with the LiPo right behind the motor it came out a few mm behind your plan position.
Alas it was too much and the first flight resulted in loss of proper control and a hard landing.
Fortunately the damage was small and I repaired it,
and added a decent amount of lead to get the CofG about 5mm in front of your marked position.
It has flown like this a couple of times now, and it flies as well as the fullsize (which is very well)!

Photos of model and fullsize now attached as promised.



From Rene Kunipatz
Hi Rob,

attached are some pictures of my finished model for your gallery.
It may not be "scale", but lends to a Gekko graphics paint scheme for a Tank 183. I find the Rhino fits the fat fuselage well...
Flying weight now is a tad over 1100g. You should have received the video of the maiden flight?
here is the link to the video on Youtube:
very nice F20
Hi Rob, Here are a few pics of your F-20. Came in at 32oz with mini-pro, Mega 16/15/4, ZTW-A-40, and 2000-5s Zippy. 425W @ 24A.
  Feel free to use pics.

Steve St.Martin (Fuzz)
Johnston, R.I. USA

 Ken Fluney"s Polecat , very nice .

Hallo Rob,

ich habe gestern Abend die MiG 25 mit der Turbine geflogen. Nun fliegt sie richtig gut.

Folgende Einstellung und Änderungen habe ich gemacht:


Die Ausschläge am Taileron für jede Funktion auf +/- 27mm vergrößert. (war +/- 20mm)

Das Höhenleitwerk habe ich nicht vergrößert!

Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei mir bei 125 mm hinter der Nasenleiste am Anfang der Tragfläche.

Das Hauptfahrwerk liegt jetzt 30mm weiter vorne, direkt am Spant. Vorher hat das Bugfahrwerk mit 605 Gramm auf die Waage gedrückt,
nach dem Umbau des Hauptfahrwerkes nach vorne, habe ich eine Radlast von 350 Gramm auf dem Bugrad.

Das hat es gebracht. Nun ist die Startstrecke auf kurzem Gras ca.70m und der Jet hebt völlig neutral ab.
Vorher war er sehr schnell und plötzlich richtet er sich völlig unkontrolliert auf.

Ich werde nun die Fahrwerksaufnahme für das Behotec C21 Fahrwerk verstärken und die Druckluftflasche und das Ventil in die Rumpfnase einbauen.
Bei mir liegen hier noch 50 Gramm Blei in der Nase, die ich dann entfernen kann. Danach werde ich meine GfK Fahrwerksschachtabdeckungen neu ausschneiden und anbauen,
damit alles wieder verkleidet ist. Ich hoffe mit eingezogenem Fahrwerk fliegt sie noch etwas schneller.

Der Jet wiegt getankt 3550 Gramm, wobei  520 Gramm die 650ml Petroleum wiegen. Beim Landen bin ich ca. 3000 Gramm schwer.
Die Landungen gehen super gut, man muss nur auf die Schräglage bei der schmalen Fahrwerksspur achten.
Der Jet schwebt super lange aus und ist dabei völlig gutmütig.

 Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland sendet Dir

 Frank Vogelsberg

Hi Rob:

 Never  got to see my plane at your web page. This is a  better Picture at my local club.

 The final motor configuration is:

Het 2w motor with wemotec fan

3S 3300 30c lipo.


Juan Vadillo

very nice Combat foamy killer fromThomas Konig
ich habe schon seit einer Weile den Foamie Killer. Ein tolles Modell und auf dem Modellflugplatz immer wieder ein Eyecatcher!
Anhängend ein paar Bilder meines Modells.
Vielen Dank und ich freue mich auf weitere Bausätze!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Thomas König
Very Very Nice Flatcat From Gerard Verlangen
Hallo RBC Kits Team. Habe von Euch eine tolle F100 gebaut und wollte Euch gerne ein paar Bilder davon senden.
 Das Modell fliegt supergut, bitte weiterso!!!
L. G.  Marcus Wilke, Dortmund



Here some pictures from our customers.
Skyray From Ulrich Rexhausen
Yak 23 From Jean Tardif ,movie here
Hi Rob  There the Maiden for the Yak-23 with is new Typyhoon 1W30 with 4S-5000LiPo 45 C, 
launch with 100 ft. bumgee just lay down on the ground , with half throttle,
 fly verry fast at full throttle next e-mail a small videoclip , good performer fly with autautity smooth on landing ,
nice model , different look. Looking nex winter projet will be your Yak-15  kit with 100mm fan   
.Bests Regards   Jean
Very nice F100 "HUN" from  Philipp 
Ulf Klingner fleet of RBCkits
Hallo Rob,

im Anhang habe ich ein paar Bilder und ein Video für Deine Gallerie.

1. Jak 23
Gewicht: 1500g
Akku: 3s PQ 3700
Motor: Het EDF 2W
Regler: Jeti 70 A BEC
Antikollisionsblitzer und Landescheinwerfer (schaltbar per Sender) im Luftteiler

2. F35
Motor: Het EDF 3W
Akku: 4s PQ 3700
Regler: Jeti 40A BEC
Gewicht: 1200g

3. Horten 13b
Motor: Het EDF 3W
Regler: Hacker Master 40A BEC
Akku: 4s PQ 3700
Gewicht: 1350g
Wird umgerüstet auf Het EDF 2W20 und Flächenkreisel

4. LA 5FN
Motor: Typhoon 15/10
Regler: YGE 40A BEC
Gewicht: 1250g
Akku: 3s2p Konion
Leider durch Senderproblem stark beschädigt.
Wird aber gerade wieder aufgebaut mit Einziehfahrwerk und neuem Motor (Typhoon 29/10/12)

5. TA 183
Motor: Velkom 2020/10
Akku: 10 Zellen CP 1600
Gewicht: 1200g
Leider durch schlechte Sicht abgestürzt. Wird aber garantiert noch einmal gebaut.

6. Mustang P61 D
Motor: Typhoon 15/10
Akku: 3s2p Konion
Gewicht: 1100g
Nach ca. 150 erfolgreichen Flügen auser Dienst gestellt.

viele Grüße

Ulf Klingner (Germany, Berlin)
Bob Partington super F22
Hi Rob
At last the review of the F-22 has been published in Quiet and Electric Flight International. 
The model was completed last year and flown at many shows and electric fly-ins. 
The model met with lots of interest and admiration, and won two awards.  Unfortunately the lack of good flying shots slowed down the submission of the review.
The model is superbly designed and goes together really well.  The shape looks just right for the F-22A.  You have done an excellent job in design and kitting.
The model has two Minifans with two Mega 16/15/4s with Jeti 40 A ESCs on a single Thunder Power 5s 6000 pack.
Best Regards,  Bob


Beautifull Birdog from Annete Berardi
bonjour;voilà le L19 cessna O-IE de votre collections rbckits terminé. je vous envoie quelque fotos pour la pub et constater la réalisation de cette maquette.ciao a bientôt pour le prochain rbckits.
Pou du Ciel from Marcin Porzelac
Hello !

Happy new year !!!

Here are some photos of Pou ! Feel free to use it ;)


Terry Ridgen  MicroBipe
Hello Rob

Thanks for your reply and recommendations.
I dont have pictures of the parts that the other builder alledged didnt fit but if I do come across anything when I build one I will let you know.

I can give you some feedback on the microbipe though.

Mine is equipped with a Hyperion 19-13 brushless outrunner turning a 7x4 prop and is  powered by a 2s 1320 Lipo battery.
Weight ready to fly is 320g without equipment its just under 115g.
 During construction I tried to save weight where ever I could especially at the tail and it came out slightly  nose heavy.

I was particularly impressed with the good fit of the parts and the excellent wood used.

The instructions on the fuzelage constuction were less clear than I would have liked but I figured it out.  I replaced the control snakes with a closed loop system saving more wieght.

I have enclosed a picture of it , feel free to put it in a customers models gallery if you wish.

In the air it is a bit of a handful in windy conditions but on a calm evening it is a delight.


Terry RigdenTipsy Nipper from Andre Vogelwiesche


Panther from Ger van der Hulst
Vandaag eindelijk de "maiden flight" van mijn Panther gehad.
Bij eerste vlucht lag het zwaartepunt nog iets te ver naar achteren waardoor
hij wat op zijn staart vloog. Bij 2e vlucht alles OKE. Vliegt perfect. Ook
erg langzaam en onkritisch in bochten.

Hierbij een paar foto's

Technische details:
Wemotec midi fan + Lehner 1600 basic XS
16 x 2400 mAh Nicad (binnenkort vervangen door lipo's)

Groet Ger
P51 From Arjan
Het vliegt als een speer met een 15/10 borstel loze motor.
groeten arjan



Very Nice P51 from Denny Muller.
ik ga hem vliegen met eem typhoon 29-12-10 met eem 10x6
8cellen 4/5nicd 1600 mah trekt 18 ampere
dit is gepland voor zijn maiden later stap ik misschien over op een 4s lipo
bedankt voor het bouwplezier
Denny Muller
A10 from
John Wheater
York, England
very nice airplane
F35 from Bob Partington
Hi Rob
 Attached is a pic of the F-35 that I built.  The design and kitting are as usual superb, and do you great credit.
 The motor is a Kontronic 400-42 on a 3s3p Thunder Power Pro Lite 6000 pack.  This produces 515 watts, which with a weight of 44.75 ounces gives superb performance and a duration of a safe 10 minutes.  With the CG as plan the low speed/high alpha handling is safe.
Very beautifull Cutlass from Thomas Bacsanyi from the USA
Frechdachs from Ben
Yak 23 and Horten 13c from Eric van Schaijk
very nice finished
Mean looking F35 from Sasa Krajncfrom Slovenija
Beautifull finished AT6 From Remco Dorsman
powered by a Typhoon 15/10 and 10 cells
Ton van Munsteren his Mig 29 launching and his H75 and his Spitfire.
Curtis Hawk with T29. and Lipo cells(konions)
See the difference with the Speed 600 setup
Weight differnce is 300 grams lighter current consumption is 13 amps
Spitfire 1300mm wingspan
Very nice finished LA5 from Jacco Keya
my Mig-29, equipped with Mini-Fan-480, Fun 400-36 and 10 cell. Weight 960g.Handstart without problems possible.
Regards from Germany
Elektroflug und Impeller
Delta 400 from Franck Rocheford
Very nice pair of MicroWarbirds
Sending you a picture of my RBC birds.
Just finished my second Micro Warbird Bearcat (Rarebear).
This one has ailerons instead of rudder and little more power (Robbe 330), it also has a wider fuselage to accommodate wider battery packs.
I will try a brushless setup with a LiPo pack some day.
Greetings from Malmö/Sweden
Artur Rosa
Very very nice Mig 29 from  Gene
Here is my RBC Mig-29 with Midi-fan 480, Kontronic 480-42, Phoenix 45, 3s2p TP 2100's, and yes it Does Hover and Climb out from a Hover.
Beautiful AT6 from Marcel Monzer.


Greetings from Sandnes ,Norway.
A few pictures of my Rbc Fwta183.
Soon ready only a few things to hook up.
I liked this kit very much.
It will be powered with Modelmotor 2020/20(velkom) and 10 cells cp1700/and faup 1950.
First flight will be with cp1300.
Take care.
Helge Sondresen

Just finished building my Spitfire from RBCKits. It fly's just great! I am using the following equipment:
 AXI 2820/10 with 11 x 8 Prop
8 x 2400 Sanyo's
Engine running time ~ 5.5Min.
Rolls, Loops, Stallturns almost everything is possible.
 Thank you for this great plane ;))
Kind Regards from Switzerland
Rigger 480 from Ingo Siepermann
The Rigger is hard to catch on picture
Beautifull Yak 23 from Markos Okihisa from the USA
See his website
Panther from Bob Partington from England



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