A vintage semi scale offshore rc boat from 1966
original design by J.W.Thomson
Movie here
Full cd download here
Complete redesigned in cad for cnc cutting
this boat is easy building a joy to sail has great looks
Do not expect flat out speed , but it has great full speed turning capabilitys .
Very easy handling , the complete superstructure comes of to replace batterys or for maintenance
it can be powered by lowcost brushless systems or even the cheap speed 600 series
Also low cost shaft and rudder systems ,
we used a Hyperion HS3026-1210 kv brushless motor and 3-4s4000 lipo , plenty of power
we used trim tabs from 0,5mm alu 30x30mm
Specs of the Fury
Lenght : 700mm
Beam: 233mm
weight: 1500 gr
4 sheets of poplar ply cnccut formers
2 sheets of 1-2mm ply cnccut hull sheeting
1 sheet of balsa cncut formers
The kit contains a boat stand,
a superb cad drawing
The kit does not contain hardware.
Easy building formers on deck sheet

Easy hull sheeting

Easy made deckhouse, easy acces to hardware

Product Code: FUR1KLQJ26