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RBCkits Drawings

RBCkits Drawings

Drawings and instructions fromRBC kits
Note this are the drawings as delivered to the kit  all instructions are download
These drawings are only for the Kit version and are not suited for cutting out your own formers
these drawings are just for backup in case you have lost your RBCkits drawing
Drawings are excluded from guarantee

Cad generated plotted in color folded A4 size shipped as a letter, 

If you wan them rolled in a box just ad comment

The shipping might be high , but we refund the surplus ,as shipping

as a letter is cheaper , we ship signed for with a trace code.

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Fouga Magister drawing

Fouga Magister drawing


Drawing for our Fouga Magister

FW190 Drawing

FW190 Drawing


Fw190 drawing  for the RBCkits FW190 this drawing is intended for the kit , you can not build a fw 190 from this dra…

H75 drawing

H75 drawing


RBCkits H75 "HAWK" drawing 2 sheets, also available in Dutch

Hawker Hunter Drawing

Hawker Hunter Drawing


Hawker Hunter Drawing  

Hawker Hurricane 1600mm drawing

Hawker Hurricane 1600mm drawing


Hawker Hurricane 1600mm drawing 

Hawker Tempest 1500mm drawing

Hawker Tempest 1500mm drawing


Hawker Tempest 1500mm drawing 

Horten 13B Drawing

Horten 13B Drawing


 The rbc kits Horten 13B drawing This drawing is only for the Rbckits Horten 13B Kit, it is not a drawing to cut y…

Jet provost drawing

Jet provost drawing


Jet provost  drawing  Note that it is the drawing included in the kit and not for cutting your own kit

Jodel BeBe drawing

Jodel BeBe drawing


Jodel BeBe drawing 

L39"albatros" drawing

L39"albatros" drawing


L39"albatros" drawing Drawing of our L39 this drawing is only used in the kit , no parts to make yourself  …

LA5 Drawing

LA5 Drawing


RBCkits LA5 drawing 

ME163 drawing

ME163 drawing


Me163 drawing  note that the drawing is only for the kit, not to cut parts yourself

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